Our Process

"Telar de Cintura" 

1) The women from the community buy the yarn at the local market. The purchased material is attached to a wooden comb and stretched at a higher point, this could be for example a tree. 

The weaving tool is stretched around the hips and the women take a seat on a small stool. 

The women need on average one day to weave a NF strap, because they have to manage their local sales and depend on daylight.

2) After the straps have been woven, they are handed in to the leather manufacturer "Paco Piel". Paco Piel Team is responsible for the finishing.  

Each piece of leather is cut out by hand and attached to the strap together with the fastening loops and the logo using a mechanical sewing machine.

Our complete production is CO2 free!

3) From here the straps are sent by airmail to Germany, where they arrive at our warehouse. We make an inventory and take care of the packing and distribution.